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Kit Welchlin

Communication, Chaos, and Change

Kit Welchlin
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When Kit Welchlin steps up in front of a group, it’s as a teacher, an entertainer and down-to-earth guy. This approach has helped him earn the respect and appreciation of audiences for years across a wide variety of organizations. Often described as “high energy” and “entertaining,” he weaves his special blend of entertainment with practical strategies that enhance listeners’ personal and professional lives. Because Kit’s goal is for each presentation to feel like a personal experience for the audience, he often customizes his content, sharing proven methods and techniques that are truly relevant.

Kit’s gift is his ability to transform his audience to active participants who feel like they’ve engaged in a conversation. Kit Welchlin is a high-energy speaker who utilizes a variety of proven approaches and echniques that truly motivate listeners. Kit teaches audiences how to apply practical strategies to nhance their personal and professional lives.

Leadership, Change Management, Generations, Stress Management, Teamwork, Communication


Chaos and Change: Become a Quick-Change Artist

Change is becoming the norm, to resist it can ruin your career. Learn to invest your energy in finding and seizing the opportunities brought by change.

Respectful Communication and Civility in the Workplace

Respectful Communication is about being mindful; trying to understand the views of your colleagues, remaining open to persuasion, approaching others with courtesy and clarity, being attentive, maintaining appropriate eye contact, and giving effective feedback.

Today, however, in the workplace, we often encounter people who are rude, brash, blunt, and incapable of listening. Disrespectful and uncivil behaviors drain productivity and lead to deleterious effects on employee and organizational well-being. Negative spirals of increasing incivility between organizational members can ultimately result in bullying.

(How to Work With) Bullies, Tyrants, and Jerks

It is estimated that 20 percent of our population can be classified as difficult people. No matter where you go, there will be at least one to deal with. Learn to identify types of difficult people and strategies for controlling your emotions and responding appropriately.

Stress, Time and Procrastination: Are You a Burnout?

Nearly half the nation’s workers say job stress is destroying their mental and physical health, and eroding productivity. Learn 30 techniques to relieve stress, 20 time management techniques and five steps to stop procrastination.

You're on a Team, You May as Well be Good at It

Working together is a difficult, complicated communication task. Working well together is a necessity. Learn how to participate effectively and build cohesiveness on a team in this fast-paced & activity-filled program.

>> Career Highlights

Kit began public speaking at the age of 9 in 4-H. By 16, he was organizing and facilitating presentations on leadership, citizenship, community service and motivation for the 4-H and Future Farmers of America.
Kit has a B.S. Degree in Speech Communication, Business Administration and Political Science. He earned an M.A. Degree in Speech Communication and Business Administration.

Kit purchased his first manufacturing company at age 21, and by 26 was CEO and Chairman of the Board of three manufacturing companies in three states. He’s been an instructor with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, where he has been repeatedly nominated Outstanding Faculty. He is a Professional Member of the National Speakers Association.

>> Testimonials

"Thank you for a fabulous presentation at our Leadership Development conference. You are a dynamic speaker -- it was obvious that you had done your homework, because your customized presentation really hit home. Months later, staff are still talking you and are practicing the things that they learned at the event!"
--Service & Staff Development, Mayo Health System

"Thank you very much for the great workshop you put together for my staff. Stress, Time and Procrastination Management and Team Building were the critical areas where we needed help. You came well prepared with impressive customized workbooks. Your easy fl owing sense of humor, combined with knowledge helped everyone participate in the seminar, enjoy it and benefi t at the same time. Feedback has been positive and enthusiastic."
--American Express

"Thank you for helping with our Leadership Series. Your program, "Handling Performance Problems with Diffi cult Employees," was rated higher overall than any of the previous 14 programs we have offered in our series."
--St. Peter Regional Treatment Center

"Thank you for your presentation at our Leadership Conference last week. We
received many comments, such as:
• One of the finest sessions on communication I've heard! And I am a retired 33-year high school communication teacher!
• Excellent presenter. Had great ideas.
• Dynamic – kept my interest
• Fast moving and entertaining, just super!
• Great speaker, one you will remember a long time
• We certainly got our money's worth with Kit
In particular, I thought you were a great speaker to jump start the 2nd morning of
the conference. Your high-energy style got people awake and engaged.
--ISAC (Iowa State Association of Counties), General Counsel

>> Basic Set-Up Needs

>> Sample Introduction

>> Pricing Information

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