For over three decades, G. L. Berg Entertainment has prioritized performer and audience safety. With the current COVID–19 pandemic, government regulations banning large gatherings, and the many requirements needed to run a safe event, we are choosing to be proactive. We have created COVID‐19 recommended protocols for live‐interactive performance.
This public health crisis is stressful for families and is impacting every facet of our lives. The social distancing aspect of this crisis is likely to affect live performance for the foreseeable future. It is our belief, more than ever,
that when we start our new normal, the importance of accessibility to live entertainment and the sense of community it creates will be in high demand.
Minimizing Audience Interactive Exchanges (while following all CDC and State social distancing mandates)
Performer protocol recommendations • Limited hand‐to‐hand contact with volunteers and between volunteers • Maintain social distancing between multiple volunteers and performer • Clean/sanitize props after every show • Props that cannot be sanitized/washed, must be one use props and suitably disposed of after use • Do not toss objects/prop out to the audience that requires multiple audience handling (ex. tossing hats, juggling balls, etc.) • Set a designated area/spot(s) on stage for audience volunteers to promote social distancing • Performer sanitizes hands throughout show • Performers do not hand out giveaways to audience members • Bubbles blown with ambient air, not by blowing with the mouth • Balloons are blown up with pumps, not by mouth • No liquid or food shared on stage • Street shows hard set audience area (chalk, rope, etc.) to meet social distancing guidelines • Maintain social distancing with pre/post‐show meet‐n‐greet or do not do meet‐n‐greet • Maintain COVID‐19 social distancing and infectious preventatives with after‐show merch sales and/or promote online sales. If preventatives are not possible, no merch sales.
Event protocol recommendations: • Offer a hand sanitizer/hand washing station at stages. Performers encourage audience volunteers to use washing station when entering/leaving the stage ‐ also available to the audience on the whole • Pre‐recorded pre‐show statement regarding the show and COVID‐19 audience recommended protocol • Provide signage at stage regarding COVID‐19 audience recommended social distancing protocol • Have designated seating spots on audience seating that meet social distancing guidelines